Today I’m happy to share the third guest post in my guest blog series on the seven practices I write about in my new book, Putting Joy into Practice: Seven Ways to Lift Your Spirit from the Early Church, published by Paraclete Press and released on April 16, 2019. This time, you don’t have to take it from me – each guest shares his or her own stories about how each practice helps him or her experience joy. Missed the first two? Click here for Practice One, and click here for Practice Two.
Today’s #putjoyintopractice guest post is on the Third Practice: Repentance, and for the first time I will be sharing a GRAPHIC blog post by blogger and cartoonist Nic Hartmann. I’m so thrilled to be sharing this visual feast with you. I have enjoyed Nic’s thoughtful blog posts a few years now, and was so honored when he decided to write his guest post in this creative way. Read his full review of the book here.
by Nic Hartmann

Dr. Nic Hartmann is a folklorist and museum educator. A third-generation cartoonist, Nic creates Orthodox-inspired comics under the working title Subdeacon Harambe (#sdnharambe), and blogs on the site Thoughts of a Metanoia Bum. A native of Indiana, Nic lives in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, with his wife Jen, and their two daughters. You can follow him on his blog or on Instagram (@metanoiabum).
If you would like to learn more about Putting Joy into Practice, listen to this audio interview with Laura Michael of Coptic Dad & Mom, or watch this interview with Dr. Michael Saad on LogosTV. Purchase your copy of Putting Joy into Practice through my affiliate link here, or visit Paraclete Press for bulk orders for book clubs, churches, and bookstores here.
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