A partial resource list compiled by Phoebe Farag Mikhail

Fr. Tadros Malaty, “The Ecclesiastical Role of the People,” Coptic Church Review, Vol. 8, No. 3 [PDF]

Mary as the Early Christians Knew Her (previously titled The Lost Gospel of Mary) by Frederica Mathews-Green, Paraclete Press. [Purchase on Indiebound (affiliate link) Amazon (affiliate link)]

Priscilla: The Life of an Early Christian, Historical fiction by Ben Witherington III. IVPress, 2019 [Purchase on Indiebound (affiliate link) Amazon (affiliate link)]

Perpetua’s Journey: Faith, Gender & Power in the Roman Empire , Graphic History Series by Jennifer A. Rea and Liz Clarke, Oxford University Press [Purchase on Indiebound (affiliate link) Amazon (affiliate link)]

The Passion of Perpetua and Felicitas (full text). Also found in the Tertullian volume of the Ante-Nicene Fathers series.

Letters to St. Olympia by St. John Chrysostom, translated by David C. Ford and Fr. John Behr, SVSPress. [Purchase on Amazon (affiliate link)]

Keeper of the Light: St. Macrina the Elder, Grandmother of Saints by Beverly Cooke (historical fiction). [Purchase on Amazon (affiliate link)]

The Life of Macrina by St. Gregory of Nyssa, translated by Kevin Corrigan. [Purchase on Indiebound (affiliate link) Amazon (affiliate link)]

On the Soul and the Resurrection by St. Gregory of Nyssa, SVS Press. [Purchase on Amazon (affiliate link)].

The Forgotten Desert Mothers by Laura Swan. [Purchase on Indiebound (affiliate link) Amazon (affiliate link)]

Many Women Were Also There … The Participation of Orthodox Women in the Ecumenical Movement. Phoebe Farag Mikhail has a chapter in this book. Volos Academy. [Purchase on Indiebound (affiliate link) Amazon (affiliate link).