by Phoebe Farag Mikhail

What is joy? How can we experience more of it? Why is it so hard to live in joy? How do we fight the joy thieves? I write about all these questions in my first full-length book, Putting Joy into Practice: Seven Ways to Lift Your Spirit from the Early Church, published by Paraclete Press in April 2019.
Read an excerpt from Paraclete Press here, and this adapted excerpt on hospitality published in Faith and Leadership Magazine here.
Here is how you can purchase the book:
To learn more, you can read my book announcement here, and read my book launch post here. I’ve also been featured on television, on blogs, and on podcasts.
My live video interview on LogosTV can be viewed here.
You can also watch me speak at St. Mary & St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church in Manhattan here (my talk starts at minute 20).
Audio interview with Laura Michael on the Coptic Dad & Mom blog here.
Audio interview with Jonathan Adly of Coptic Voices US on the History of the Copts podcast here.
Audio interview with Christy Maguire on the Forties Stories podcast here.
Audio interview with K.J. Dell’Antonia and Jess Lahey on the #AmWriting Podcast with Jess and K.J. here.
Audio interview with Haley Stewart and Christy Isinger on the Fountains of Carrots Podcast here.
Audio interview with Lisa Colon Delay on the Spark my Muse podcast here.
Audio and video interview with Bishop Suriel on Coffee with Bishop Suriel Part I and Part II.
Audio interview with Cynthia Damaskos on Holistic Christian Life here.
Audio interview on Live with the Louh’s on Ancient Faith Radio here.
Audio interview on Becoming Filled with Less on Ancient Faith Radio here.
Blogs and book reviews:
Putting Joy into Practice has been featured on book lists on Laura Vanderkam, Traces of Faith, and Carrots for Michaelmas.
Mireille Mishriky featured the book on her blog here and in the Faith Filled Family Magazine here.
Orthodox Christian Parenting, a ministry of the Antiochian Orthodox Church, featured the book here. This post includes a fantastic resource – the arrow prayers that I mention in the sixth practice collected in a printable PDF.
The Most Creative Thing, a blog by Ashley Cowles, profiled me here.
Fr. Mikhail Edwards of St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church in Cleveland, Ohio did a video review of the book here.
Read more reviews on Goodreads and Amazon.
Over the summer of 2019, I ran a series of guest blog posts in which each writer shared his or her experiences putting joy into practice – one for each of the seven practices discussed in the book. You can read the series by following these links:
Praying the Hours – Jessica Ryder Khalil
Visiting the Sick – Nardeen Loka
Repentance – Nic Hartmann
Thanksgiving – Laura Michael
Hospitality – Allison Backous Troy
Arrow Prayers – Mireille Mishriky
Singing Praise to God – Traci Rhoades