by Phoebe Farag Mikhail

I’m excited to share my Lenten reading list with you because I am so excited to read these books! My stack is HUGE this Great Lent, and deliberately so – I am hoping to spend more time reading and less time on social media (though I won’t be disappearing), and I am already behind on my GoodReads Reading Challenge, so what better way to catch up than with some wonderful spiritual reading? This collection is a mixture of books old and new, nonfiction and fiction, for children and for adults. And, I am giving away one copy of EACH of the books I mention below! To enter the giveaway, subscribe to my email list and then comment below about which book you would like to read for Lent, and why. Giveaway closes on Thursday, March 7th, 2019 at 11.59 pm. Winners will be contacted the following week via email. US and Canada addresses only, please.
Books for Adults
While Laura Vanderkam’s novella, Juliet’s School of Possibilities seems like an unusual choice for Lenten reading, the Great Lent is a great time to consider how we spend our time and how we choose our priorities. I’m excited to read this book for many reasons. First, Laura Vanderkam is my favorite author on productivity and time management because I enjoy her overall perspective – we have more time than we think, we are privileged to be thinking about how manage our time, and if we choose well, we have all the time in the world. Second, Juliet’s School of Possibilities is a business fable, and thus a really accessible way to consider the time management principles Laura has written about in her other nonfiction books (I’ve reviewed two of them on this blog: Off the Clock and I Know How She Does It). Third, I have a think for lighthouses and I just love the cover! I have already pre-ordered the book, but Laura has kindly provided me with a SIGNED giveaway copy to one of my lucky readers. Even if you enter the giveaway, consider pre-ordering the book – when you do, you get two books for one, because one of the pre-order bonuses is an ebook called “Laura’s Little Book of Life Hacks: 113 Ideas for Winning at Life and Home.” My favorite tip is #28:
Doing deep work? Put a notebook next to you to capture any fleeting thoughts that might send you elsewhere. You can look up the name of that Greek restaurant you want to try when you’re done; jotting down a note will keep you from forgetting (or getting distracted).
Once you pre-order the book, go to Laura Vanderkam’s pre-order page here to input your information and receive the “Little Book of Life Hacks” and more pre-order bonuses.
In part due to Laura’s advice, and despite the many hats I wear and the many projects I juggle, I decided to take a Patristics course this semester at the Pope Shenouda III Coptic Orthodox Theological Seminary. Among the Early Church writings we have been introduced to are the Didache and the Shepherd of Hermas. These are early Christian texts written soon after the New Testament. There are many translations available from different publishers; I have chosen The Two Ways: The Early Christian Vision of Discipleship from the Didache and the Shepherd of Hermas from Plough Publishing House because it contains both and includes an introduction by Rowan Williams. The title, The Two Ways, comes from this beautiful quote in the Didache:
There are two Ways, one of Life and one of Death, and there is a great difference between the two Ways. The way of life is this:” First, you shalt love the God who made thee, secondly, thy neighbor as thyself; and whatsoever thou wouldst not have done to thyself, do not thou to another.
You can read the book to find out more about the Way of Life and the Way of Death.
I have two books about St. Phoebe, the deaconess mentioned by St. Paul in Romans 16:1 and my name saint, that I cannot wait to start reading. The first is a new historical fiction novel by Biblical scholar Paula Gooder called Phoebe: A Story, published by IVPress.
The second is a more scholarly historical overview of her role in the Early Church called Phoebe: Patron and Emissary by Joan Cecelia Campbell in a larger series called “Paul’s Social Network: Brothers and Sisters in Faith” published by the Liturgical Press. St. Phoebe clearly had an important role in the Early Church, and I am looking forward to learning more about her.
This little book, The Wisdom of the Desert Fathers by Benedicta Ward, published by Cistercian Publications, has been on my shelf for some time, so I am going to take the opportunity this Lent to read it. I love anything written by and about the Desert Fathers and Mothers (see my 2017 Lent list for another book on this); whereas the more well-known Sayings of the Desert Fathers arranges the sayings by the father or mother to whom they are attributed, this shorter book arranges a selection of sayings by topic, such as “On the subject of discernment,” “self-control” and “long-suffering.”
Three friends have written books this past year. One, Ali Joy Whetstone, wrote a memoir called “Beauty from Ashes: A Journey of Faith, about her path to God through many struggles in life. I’ve already started it and am so inspired by her journey.

Another friend, Rany Makaryus, wrote a book on “The Scriptural Basis of the Divine Liturgy,” which focuses on the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great according to the Coptic Orthodox Church. He shares why he wrote this book on Deacon Daniel Malyon’s blog here.

Fr. Peter Farrington has written a number of books recently, and all the profits of his books go to support St. George’s Ministry in the UK. For this Great Lent I am reading The Prodigal Returns: Overcoming Habitual Sin, a book on breaking free from sinful habits.
Books for Families and Children
Great Lent and Me by the late Fr. Bishoy Kamel from St Shenouda Press is a book with Lenten meditations on each of the Gospels read on Sunday in the Coptic Orthodox Church. Fr. Bishoy Kamel is one of the Coptic Orthodox Church’s modern pillars, and this book is a great way to share his writings and sermons with a younger audience.
Ancient Faith Publishing has two wonderful books out for Lent. The first, Tending the Garden of our Hearts by Elissa Bjeletich and Kristina Wenger, is a book of daily Lenten meditations for families based on the Eastern Orthodox Church’s liturgical readings. Since the Coptic Orthodox Church’s daily liturgical readings are different, I’ll be using this book in combination with Great Lent and Me, whenever the readings align with ours, either the actual reading or if it aligns in theme. I love this meditation on forgiveness, which uses examples in sibling life, making it very relevant to my children:
When we only focus on what the other person does wrong and we never blame ourselves, then the angry fighting just goes on and on. But we can fix it if we stop and ask ourselves, “What am I doing wrong?” In most cases, both people are doing something wrong. When we see that both of us are wrong, it is much easier to be forgiving.

Speaking of forgiveness, I am eagerly awaiting A Child’s Guide to Confession from Ancient Faith Press as well to read with my children. When my husband and I go to confession, we take our children along, so they witness us participating in this important sacrament and often join in. I am excited to read this book with them and help them learn more about why confession is so important so they continue to participate, even when we are not around to take them.
When we experience God’s forgiveness, we want everyone to experience it, too. I Am God’s Storyteller is a beautiful picture book by Catholic author Lisa Hendey and illustrator Eric Carlson from Paraclete Press, encouraging children (and adults!) to share the Gospel by using the examples of the Bible’s great storytellers, including Sarah, Moses, Deborah, Mary, and John the Baptist. Here is how Deborah told God’s story:
Deborah was a judge—a just, fair woman who helped her people make difficult decisions. The stories Deborah told with wisdom and faith in God helped God’s people live peacefully together for many years … there are so many stories God’s people have told so far!

Why isn’t my forthcoming book, Putting Joy into Practice on this list? Well, it’s not coming out till Easter! In the meantime, you can preorder a print copy here or the Kindle version here. Keep your receipt – you’ll need it to access the pre-order bonuses I’ll be announcing soon!
What are you reading this Great Lent? Share your reads in the comments below! If you would like to be entered to win a copy of any of the above books, subscribe to my email newsletter and make a comment below indicating which book you would like to be entered for, and why. Current subscribers need only comment below. Giveaway closes on Thursday, March 7th, 2019 at 11.59 pm. Winners will be contacted the following week via email. US and Canada addresses only, please.
Some of the links above are affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase via those links, I will receive a small commission for referring you at no extra cost to you. You are under no obligation to purchase the items through my links, but if you do, you will be helping support the cost of running this blog and providing you with the writing and reviews you enjoy. Your support is much appreciated!
Martha Salama
February 27, 2019 5:25 pmI would like to read The Scriptural Basis of the Devine Liturgy, Great Lent and Me, and Tending the Gardens of our Hearts.
February 27, 2019 7:04 pmI’d like to read The Two Ways: The Early Christian Vision of Discipleship from the Didache and the Shepherd of Hermas. With me still being “new” to the faith, having a solid foundation of scripture and early church works is crucial. We have the works of the desert fathers, Pope Shenouda books, and Fire From Ashes. All of these have opened my eyes greatly and been great reads. I’m looking forward to this one as well.
Pauline Magnusson
February 27, 2019 8:31 pmDo I have to pick just one book? These are beautiful selections! I try to get through The Brothers Karamazov annually for Lent, but I’ve yet to make it past the messy middle. 😳
Juliet’s School of Possibilities sounds like an intriguing read; I’ve recently listened to a podcast series on Time and Despondency by Nicole Roccas, and this sounds like a good companion book.
The Two Ways intrigues me also – I have a copy of the Didache that looks nice on my shelf, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten. 🤦🏻♀️
Great list, Phoebe. May this be a blessed Lent for you and yours!
February 27, 2019 8:34 pmI’ll enter you for both – we’ll see how it goes! The Brothers Karamazov is a great choice for Lent as well.
February 27, 2019 8:35 pmI’m reading that Phoebe book from IV Press too. The Tending the Garden book is so lovely! These are great reads, although an ambitious undertaking.
February 27, 2019 8:37 pmYes, definitely ambitious – especially since I have a few books I still have to finish! I am hoping the goal to finish it all will prevent me from wasting time on other not so fruitful endeavors …
Sherry Morkos
February 27, 2019 8:57 pmThank you for this wonderful list phoebe!!
I would love to read Juliet’s school of possibilities and great lent and me . Sorry, I couldn’t choose just one . May you have a blessed lent .
February 27, 2019 8:58 pmNobody can choose just one!
Haidy Wasef
February 27, 2019 9:18 pmI would love to read “ The scriptural basis for Litugy” and “ Great Lent & me”. I love Fr Bishoy Kamel amd all his writings and I would also read “ The Spiritualy of Fasting” for Pope Shenouda as well. I love his style of writing and his simple way of delivering the message to the reader.
May God help us all benefit from this Lent. Amen !
March 1, 2019 4:59 pm“The Spirituality of Fasting” by HH Pope Shenouda is a great choice!
Rose Harubin
February 27, 2019 10:45 pmI’m most interested in Juliet’s school of Possibilities. My word and focus for this year has been purpose. I’m trying to be more purposeful with my time and balance life as mom, wife, and business owner better. I find my time getting sucked away from me instead of learning to control it. It’s a BIG focus for me right now.
March 1, 2019 5:00 pmThis is the case for so many of us, isn’t it?
Yvette Iskandar
February 27, 2019 11:16 pmThese are really great selections. I think during this lent I will try to read saying of the fathers. I think from your list I would love to read the prodigal return and the spiritual bases of the divine liturgy
Thank you
March 1, 2019 5:00 pmThe Sayings of the Desert Fathers is ALWAYS a great choice! I go back to it all the time!
February 28, 2019 1:11 amGreat List!!! I of course have not picked yet because I still have 4 days! Juliet’s school of possibilities and phoebe a story sound awesome! Blessed Lenten season! Cannot wait to read your book!
March 1, 2019 5:01 pmA blessed Lenten season to you too! Only two more days now 🙂
Laura Brose
February 28, 2019 7:20 amI would like to read the novelization of Phoebe because I am interested in trying to feel and understand as the early Christians did.
March 1, 2019 5:02 pmSo am I! A novel can do this in ways a scholarly work cannot. What else are you reading this Lent?
Ali Joy
February 28, 2019 12:29 pmFor Lent this year I am reading through Orthodox Prayer Life The Interior Way by Matthew The Poor. I started it a few days ago and wow, is it good! I will have to buy my own copy because I am borrowing it from a friend. Your list sounds great, and I am honored to have my book on your list! Two of the books stand out to me the most right now, The Two Ways and The Scriptural Basis of the Divine Liturgy! Though it’s really hard to narrow it down, because all of those books sound like they would be great additions to my personal library!
March 1, 2019 5:02 pmThe Orthodox Prayer Life is a GREAT book. I might need to re-read this soon.
February 28, 2019 3:02 pmWow, I think I’ve now been following your blog for a year since I think I found it just before last year’s version of this post!
This Lent I plan on reading Becoming a Healing Presence, Between Midnight and Dawn: A Literary Guide to Prayer for Lent, Holy Week, and Eastertide (which I think I found because of your blog – if so, thanks!), and re-reading Wounded by Love.
I’d love to be entered for Tending the Garden of our Hearts!
March 1, 2019 5:03 pmAll those books you are reading are excellent choices for the Great Lent! I will also be re-reading Between Midnight and Dawn – that’s always a good one to return to, especially if you are a writer!
February 28, 2019 8:43 pmTending to the garden of our hearts would make me so happy to win. It is something that I strive to live by. Just like we eat food daily we more importantly have to nourish ourselves spiritually daily, just like tending a garden. In the various seasons of the year the garden may have different needs just like the seasons of life.
Thank you ☺️
March 1, 2019 5:04 pmYes this is so true! What else are you planning to read this Lent?
February 28, 2019 11:06 pmI’d love to win A Child’s Guide to Confession or Tending the Garden of our Hearts. I’m planning to read 30 Steps to Heaven.
March 1, 2019 5:05 pm30 Steps to Heaven sounds very good – is this the one based on St. John Climacus’ “Ladder of Divine Ascent”?
March 1, 2019 1:15 pmI love Elissa Bjeletich’s work and my children adore her podcast as their own special way to prepare and connect with our Liturgical cycle. I would love to read “Tending the Garden of our Hearts” with my children, as I know there will be so many ideas that I can implement in our family life as my husband and I teach our children how to approach Great Lent.
March 1, 2019 2:13 pmI would love to read Tending the Garden to our Hearts, Juliet’s School of Possibilities, and Child’s Guide to Confession. Great book list! Thank you!
Crystal Drain
March 1, 2019 4:54 pmWow! Some excellent selections are listed up above! I’ve totally been wanting to read the Sayings of the Desert Fathers. I know my children would love I am God’s Storyteller. And lately I’ve really been interested in historical fiction, so Pheobe: A Story is one I’m sure I’ll check out. Thank you for sharing this list, as I’m always on the lookout for solid Orthodox literature for both myself and my family!
March 1, 2019 5:06 pmYou are welcome! What are you planning to read this Lent?
March 1, 2019 6:31 pmI think The Return of the Prodigal. It sounds like something my angry mama heart needs right now. I’m a bit overwhelmed and struggling with 4 kids 6 and under with another coming. 😳
March 4, 2019 7:51 pmI struggle with that too, a lot, and hoping this book helps me as well.
March 2, 2019 8:12 amWow so many excellent books! I am particularly interested in A Child’s Guide to Confession, Tending the Garden of My Heart, and The Two Ways! It was hard to make selections though!
March 2, 2019 1:12 pmWow so many excellent books! I am particularly interested in A Child’s Guide to Confession, Tending the Garden of My Heart, and The Two Ways! It was hard to make selections though!
March 4, 2019 7:52 pmYes! That’s why I had to read them all LOL.
March 3, 2019 8:11 amI’d love to read Tending the Garden of our Hearts with my family, especially because I converted and my husband and children didn’t. I’d love to help build understanding and appreciation…
A Child’s Guide to Confession would also be wonderful!
March 4, 2019 7:52 pmI’m sure it would be a wonderful help for your whole family!
Catherine Masoud
March 3, 2019 4:00 pmHi, I’d love to join the giveaway to read The Wisdom of the Desert Fathers. I’ve always loved the perspective of monastic people on issues that still prevail in modern times so it’d be great to read a book that’s divided by their thoughts on a certain issue. Thanks! 🙂
March 4, 2019 7:54 pmI’m with you – it’s uncanny how their perspectives, from so long ago, are often quite applicable to our times!
Mary Abdelmassih
March 3, 2019 7:17 pmI’d love to read The Scriptural Basis of the Divine Liturgy because I often take it for granted and would love to delve in to understand and appreciate it more. This lent, I look forward to reading On Repentance and Purity by Pope Shenouda because it has been collecting dust on my shelf for far too long!
March 4, 2019 7:53 pmOn Repentance and Purity is a GREAT choice for Lent. It was on my list last year too!
Candace Rogers
March 4, 2019 7:33 pmSo many wonderful selections, a number of these are on my list but “A Child’s Guide to Conffession” would be my top pick.
March 4, 2019 7:53 pmI’m still waiting for this one to arrive, and I can’t wait to read it!
Candace Rogers
March 6, 2019 9:43 pmIt does look so good. My Lent reading also contains From I-Ville to You-ville.
Sandra M
March 6, 2019 2:32 pmI’m looking forward to reading The Lenten Spring by Fr. Thomas Hopko again – it changed my life when I first read it! We’re also reading God and You: Person to Person at our parish book club. For fun, I’m reading through Americanah and loving it.
I would love to read Great Lent and Me by Abouna Bishoy Kamel. I have never read explanations on the Sunday gospels of Lent in the Coptic church and I’m sure I’d learn so much.
Laura Brose
March 6, 2019 5:29 pmI’m currently reading Father Joe by Tony Hendra.
Sarah G
March 6, 2019 5:51 pmWow, what a list! You make me excited to read 🙂 I would love to get all these books but my top are The Prodigal Returns and Great Lent & Me because I admire and enjoy both authors. Also would like to read one of the Phoebe books as I don’t know much about her. Currently reading Case for Christ for an evangelism class. Thank you Phoebe!
Sarah G
March 6, 2019 10:53 pmWow, what a list! You make me excited to read 🙂 I would love to get all these books but my top are The Prodigal Returns and Great Lent & Me because I admire and enjoy both authors. Also would like to read one of the Phoebe books as I don’t know much about her. Currently reading Case for Christ for an evangelism class. Thank you Phoebe!
Kristal C.
March 8, 2019 1:26 amI am reading Parenting Towards the Kingdom and the first volume of With Pain and Love for Contemporary Main by St. Paisios.
I would most like to read Tending the Garden of Our Hearts or A Child’s Guide to Confession, though all of these choices look worthwhile and edifying!
September 20, 2019 3:09 amHello !!!
Congratulations for reading those great books !!!
I just bought Phoebe, Patron and Emisarry Joan Cecelia Campbell in epub format but some pages in chapter three are missing…
Can you help me please… Pages 58 – 59 – 60 – 61 – 62 are missing.. and pages 67- 68 – 69 – 70 -71 – 72 – 73 are missing too…
I understand that you have this book in phisical format… Can you make some photos of these pages and send me via mail ??
I would be so thankful if you would help me !!
Thank you so much !!!
May God bless you !!
September 20, 2019 11:27 amI’m sorry I can’t do that, but you can contact the retailer about the missing pages.
September 20, 2019 11:28 amI am sorry I cannot do that, but you can contact the retailer about your defective ebook purchase.